Direct Primary Care has been doing this for years!

All this social distancing has REALLY expanded the use and frequency of telemedicine and other technology visits. But this isn’t our first rodeo with this stuff here at One Focus Medical. We’ve been doing it for years. As soon as we were being told to...

Allergies, flu, and corona virus! Oh my!

Well everyone else is talking about the corona virus (covid19) so I figured I would chime in. First, I am completely stealing MOST of what I am writing today in this blog. Mainly because this outbreak has been covered ad nauseum for more than a week. Second, I still...

Allergies! The evil Empire

This is one of my favorite pics i stole from my friend Dr Neu at Neucare in Lawrence, KS. The original meme said, “Coincidence? I think not!” So it is March 3rd today and every one of you here in OK should begin your allergy therapies. Actually should have...